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Paradox has nothing to do with those DLCs and as soon as I see someone complainting about Paradox DLC policies I instantly realize the guy is new to AoW games and thus their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.Why do I need to sign up for a Paradox Account? they promised to create 3 DLCs and they did it, this is very similar to what they did with AoW3. This is Triumph Studios game and I knew what was going to happen i.e.
I bought premium edition and got 35% discount as far as I remember so I don't see it as punishing early supporters unless you take 50%-75% discounts (which happened in a year after release) into account. This is a paradox game so you know what was going to happen.Still I must say the 3 major dlc drasticly improve the game and I think you should buy them if you like the game. I never buy games new if I know they are going to have a ♥♥♥♥ ton of dlc. I've waited and now it's a good buy for me. Having had this experiance with AOW 3, I knew I would not buy planetfall until it had all it's major dlc completed. Bethesda does this too.You'd think they'd want to reward early adopters but many devs like to punish them. The premuim options is great value but people like you are being screwed over. This is something the devs have to choose to do as there is an option to remove items if the user already owns them a "complete your bundle" option is needed here. The premuim should not include the base game price so it would encourage people to buy the dlc. Originally posted by like it's designed to punish early supporters.